Red-Moon also known as Eclipse of the moon Seen in Sokoto State - Kelvinentertainment blog

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Saturday, July 28, 2018

Red-Moon also known as Eclipse of the moon Seen in Sokoto State

Even in UK according to some eye witness they said that the weather was all dark which even a blind man can be able to see the moon turning into red which is said to be the eclipsed of the moon which started from 7:30-8:45. And the mars went to its closest point which was last seen in 2003 whereby the sky turned into reddish sky.

How long did this said eclipse did took place
According to the one that happened in Sokoto it was said to have taking long for about one hour 45 minutes and also Nigeria was among one of the country that also witnessed this eclipse alongside with Africa, Southern Australia, and also the Indian Ocean also witnessed it which was on Friday been 27 of July 2018.

Base on some Astronomers who study the earth said on Friday that it lasted for about 105 minute and that it is likely to happen in 2124 they also gave some reason why this eclipse happened; that it happened when the moon passes behind the sun.

They also said that base on the colour of the moon turning into red-brown that it is called the blood moon and also only light can be reflected from the lunar surface, and also base on the National Space Research and Development Agency that it started around 6:47pm and lasted for about 1:30pm which means by 7:30.     

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