How to create an Admob Account for your app - Kelvinentertainment blog

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Tuesday, August 28, 2018

How to create an Admob Account for your app

Here are steps on how you can be to create Admobs account so as to increase your impression so below are the steps.

Using Admob is one of the best way to promote your app and also it shows add on your app so for you to be able to sign up for Admob account you have to have this two things which are:

1.         Google Adsense
Why I saw you will need google adsense account is because when creating your Admob account you have to combine both of them together.

2.         Adwords Account
Using the Adwords account is also needed for you to sign up for Admob account

Sign up for Admob
Go to your browser; then go to

Using your Gmail google account 

After sign up using your google account mind you, you must have a gmail account and you can create a new one here I believe you know how to create one, one of the most important thing about Admob is that is uses both Adsense and Google Ads account such as payment and house ads. After joining them you have to choose your preferred country and also select time zone and also currency.

Agreeing with Google Admob policy
After selecting the currency they all you have to do is to agree with google Admob policy by click on the box provided for you and next will bring out an option for you to send an email of your choice

Customized help and performance suggestion 
Yes    No

Periodic newsletters with tips and best practice  
Yes     No

Occasional surveys to help Google improve this product  
Yes    No

Special Officers     
Yes    No

Next thing is to verify your account using your phone number with your country code then a pin will be sent to your phone using your phone number put in the pin sent to you and click on verified and that is all. After that an email will be sent to you alongside with a link to get started with your Admob account.
Hope this article was helpful to you

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